What's good! I'm Frank and I went to college at George Mason University. My area of study was Media Production and Criticism. I've been out of school for almost 2 years and have been itching to write. My favorite thing to write about is the media that I consume. Join me as I analyze said media. The initial idea was for this site to be music centric, but I love movies and comic books too. Variety is the spice of life, right? Here's hoping you dig my insight. I aim to give the world a peek at my interests and opinions, and my hope is that you value my take on them and that I may even be able to introduce you to something new. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Alien Countdown Day 3: Aliens *Spoilers*

The countdown continues with Aliens. Aliens is the most action-packed and exciting installment in the series.

Directed by James Cameron, the film took a Sci-Fi Action/Horror approach to the formula rather than a Sci-Fi Thriller/Horror.

While there is plenty of scary parts within the movie, it's definitely got the viewer at the edge of their seat rather than just biting their nails.

This movie has a much memorable cast of characters and some great human interaction as well as human/artificial-person interactions as well.

The movie finds Ripley floating along in her ship in cryosleep. She is found by salvagers and in the process of her coming to, we discover that she's been floating aimlessly through space for 57 years.

Because there is no physical proof of what happened on the USCSS Nostromo, there is no way to verify Ripley's story. She is suspended from piloting.

The place where the original Xenomorph came from has become a terraforming colony, and then the colonizers come across the alien ship(seen in Alien) and then the fun begins.

Ripley and a group of marines must execute a rescue mission of the colony on LV 426. The trip to the colony gives us some of the best character interaction in the film. Such as, We're given the exhilarating bishop knife trick scene. And some excellent character introductions: Pvt. Vasquez, Pvt. Hudson,  Sgt. Apone, Cpl. Hicks and Bishop just to name a few.

Then, of course, there's that dickhead Lt. Gorman. Who basically caused everything. Everything is his fault. Not really but he sucks...

If I was meeting him on the street I wouldn't have pegged Hudson for the military type. He seems to lack discipline. Not that I care at all about that, just an observation.

Upon further investigation of LV 426, they discover that the colony has become overrun by Xenomorphs. And the classic film gives us the terror of the first film but in excess.

Sure this film has been called out for being more of an action film than a horror movie. But it's even scarier than the first. The first had the slow-burn, there only being one Xenomorph definitely upped the suspense. Never knowing where it would come from and such.

But with this one, you're given a goddamn swarm of these creatures, you're introduced to the Xenomorph Queen, and you have this scene...

I've got 2 gripes with this movie.

1) Newt... this is entirely because I hate children. I do recognize that without her, you don't get the scene, capped above. And without her, you don't get the Alien Queen v Ripley in the power loader yelling everyone's favorite line.

"Get away from her! You bitch"

2) Pvt. Vasquez isn't played by a Latinx person. Now, this gripe has to do more with my own Latin roots and appreciating representation. I think Jeanette did a wonderful job as Vasquez and her lines especially give the movie more character and life overall.

This movie may very well be the most memorable in the series, with the most quotable dialogue and unforgettable imagery.

5 out of 5 Face-hugger eggs.

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