What's good! I'm Frank and I went to college at George Mason University. My area of study was Media Production and Criticism. I've been out of school for almost 2 years and have been itching to write. My favorite thing to write about is the media that I consume. Join me as I analyze said media. The initial idea was for this site to be music centric, but I love movies and comic books too. Variety is the spice of life, right? Here's hoping you dig my insight. I aim to give the world a peek at my interests and opinions, and my hope is that you value my take on them and that I may even be able to introduce you to something new. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


This is technically part of my Alien countdown but let's be honest, my timeline kind of fell off of the rails. Why bother putting how many days.

Prometheus for the true Alien fan was everything we wanted. There's rich exposition, there is a multitude of characters to care about, the lore is expanded to a depth that is insurmountable.

Ridley Scott poured his soul into this film which did justice to the movie universe he started in 1979.

Prior to the film's release, there were rumors that it may be an Alien prequel. Which established the buzz around it.

This film was seemingly not favored by the masses. I think that's because it's so rich in its detail and design. It really was a movie made for the fans.

The film utilizes even more Giger design than the previous 3 (Aliens, Alien3, Alien Resurrection). Prometheus asked some new questions while staying true to the original; Questions like who created the Xenomorph? Who created human life? Why do we exist? Is there meaning to life?

I think about the interaction between Holloway and David all of the time.

"David: why do you think your people made me?
Holloway: We made you 'cause we could.
David: Can you imagine how disappointing it would be for you to hear the same thing from your creator."

What other answers could you expect besides "Because we could" or "To see if we could" if we were in fact manufactured? There seems to be a certain level of vanity amongst human beings that believe we were made for some unknown reason.

This movie definitely spits in the face of it, while providing an unbelievable story about engineers and the creation of life on earth. And of course, our creators got fed up with us and made the decision to end it all.

Scott didn't stray far from the Alien formula. A bunch of people in space making a bunch of mistakes? Check. A lot of them die because of it? Check. Psychotic artificial human? Check. Watching all of these morons make mistake after mistake really is quite a sight to see.

The movie is too long and rich in detail to write about it entirely. I will say that naysayers be damned this movie is good. 5 out of 5 facehugger eggs. Enjoy!

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