What's good! I'm Frank and I went to college at George Mason University. My area of study was Media Production and Criticism. I've been out of school for almost 2 years and have been itching to write. My favorite thing to write about is the media that I consume. Join me as I analyze said media. The initial idea was for this site to be music centric, but I love movies and comic books too. Variety is the spice of life, right? Here's hoping you dig my insight. I aim to give the world a peek at my interests and opinions, and my hope is that you value my take on them and that I may even be able to introduce you to something new. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


This is technically part of my Alien countdown but let's be honest, my timeline kind of fell off of the rails. Why bother putting how many days.

Prometheus for the true Alien fan was everything we wanted. There's rich exposition, there is a multitude of characters to care about, the lore is expanded to a depth that is insurmountable.

Ridley Scott poured his soul into this film which did justice to the movie universe he started in 1979.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Alien Countdown Day 4(actually 14 or whatever): Alien

****Authors Note: No excuses, I just took a long break from writing these. I am sorry for the wait

This post is going to be short and sweet. Aside from the reveal that there are sequels to this movie, I'd like to limit spoilers.

I'm doing this because I think you should watch this movie.

It is one of the best sci-fi horror films ever made. The design of the titular character was inspired by the work of H.R Giger. Specifically his piece Necronom IV.

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