What's good! I'm Frank and I went to college at George Mason University. My area of study was Media Production and Criticism. I've been out of school for almost 2 years and have been itching to write. My favorite thing to write about is the media that I consume. Join me as I analyze said media. The initial idea was for this site to be music centric, but I love movies and comic books too. Variety is the spice of life, right? Here's hoping you dig my insight. I aim to give the world a peek at my interests and opinions, and my hope is that you value my take on them and that I may even be able to introduce you to something new. Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Alien Countdown Day 1: Alien Resurrection *spoilers*

I've only seen this movie once, but I remember liking it more than I should've. Here goes nothing.

This movie is the one where they clone Ripley in order to retrieve the Xenomorph queen embryo. Definitely a swing and a miss on something that could've been a sick movie. Much like the original Alien, this one is a slow burn but the pay off is more absurd than remarkable.

You have Ron Pearlman basically playing his character from Blade II but in the Alien universe, and not a vampire. Also, a bunch of wannabe action heroes, plus Winona Ryder and Sigourney Weaver collecting a paycheck.

Joss Wheadon really tried to think outside of the box on this one, and I commend him for certain things.

For example, I love that the Ripley in this movie is a clone, I love that they made her so they could retrieve the queen embryo from her. It stays true to how evil the Weyland Corp is, and the depths they will go to to get the Xenomorph.

I like the scene with the room full of the failed Ripley clones. It really strikes a nerve with Ripley and you can feel it in the pain in her eyes, even though it's cheesy.

Seeing the Xenomorphs in water is also another sick part of this movie, I know the CGI isn't the best but it's still fun.

Some missteps where I would've gone a different direction. The scientist being in love with the Xenomorphs was weird and unnecessary. He could have had great reverence for the species without it being a weirdo sick fixation where he kisses the glass. Friggin nastyass.

The Newborn might be the creepiest thing ever introduced in the franchise, even creepier than dr. Gediman... While it's plenty creepy, it's just in a gross way it's not effective in my opinion. It's more "cinema of the unsettling" than it is "scary movie monster."

Sure, I have a great time watching this movie, but I can admit that it's not a good movie. Like I said there are parts that I like but it's really just a pile.

Because I enjoy this bad movie...I give it 2 1/2 Facehugger eggs out of 5

5/22/2018 **Revisit**

I decided that I didn't talk about enough. So before I take on Alien 3, I thought I would share some thoughts.

My first is that the scene where General Martin dies. He is saluting and the Xenomorph tail is waving behind him as the music builds to a crescendo he gets killed. That is one of the most satisfying deaths because General Martin was a real dick.

Worst/Best line in the movie goes to Ripley:

 "Who do I have to fuck to get off this boat"

I get that Ripley in this movie is a clone and is a much more aggressive version of herself but that doesn't strike me as something Ripley would say. It doe not feel true to character.

The scene where the army is holding up the Betty's crew.  Johner and Christie, after killing several army officers, are being held up by one. 
The superzoom dutch-tilt on Christie's face is such an awesome angle, and then the super zoom on Johner's face staring at his friend, building up to Christie killing the officer is also incredibly effective, visually.

The scene alluding to the fact that Ripley and the Queen had sex is one of the most unnecessary things about this movie. Along with the imagery of the Newborn, just some extremely disgusting things that are so weird you wonder how they made it into the movie in the first place? What the hell Joss? Dr. Gediman? really? anyway...

OH, another really fun part I like about the movie after Johner shoots the Xenomorph on the ladder when he lifts up and gets spooked by the spider and shoots it...I felt that.

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